Thursday, September 29, 2005

What's up with men wearing visors?

The last two days, I have walked in to my work and my boss was standing there with a visor on his head, looking as if he didn’t know any better.

I always thought that it was an unwritten rule that men are not to wear visors except in special circumstances as listed below:

  1. Playing Tennis

  2. Playing Golf

  3. Playing Poker – (Must be a green, plastic visor)

And as with other rules, it can be broken if by breaking it you have a 75% chance or better of getting laid that night.

If you know of any other visor-exceptions, please post them in the comment section.


Blogger Stacey said...

I'd much rather see a man wearing a visor than a stupid "popped" collar ... you know, a polo shirt with the collar sticking straight up. Ugh. HATE, HATE, HATE that fad!

4:30 PM  

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